
Work is a huge part of my life. Many work encounters in the past brought me happiness and motivation, fulfilling my curiosity of different roles and expectations. I want to share my stories with you, here’s a summary of my work so far.


If you relate to my experiences, let’s connect. Check out my resume here.

Procter & Gamble

Data Scientist Intern, May 2024 - Now

I am joining P&G as a Data Scientist Intern in Summer 2024 for six months. I will be working closely with the Supply Chain IT team, interacting with a multi-functional team including business users from Product Supply. My work focuses on building (and deploying) the different ML models and operations research.

Tech Stack : Azure Databricks, Python, SQL, Spark

Switcheo Labs

Software Engineer Intern, May 2023 - Oct 2023

I worked as a software engineer at Switcheo Labs for a credit-bearing, semester-long internship. Together with two other senior engineers and one fellow intern, we built and launched Fluo on Demex Perp Pools.

  • My first project was to build the Fluo Dashboard and the subpages (form submissions, components, states) related to it. Users can stake, boost and earn rewards with FLUO tokens on Demex seamlessly. Build -> Test -> Refine -> Deploy - we went through many iterations before launching the beta product, leading to 4,700 unique users on the launch day.
  • As I got more familiar with the day-to-day tasks of a software engineer in my fourth month, I could work independently on bigger development tasks and PRs myself. I was mainly responsible to develop new components for Demex and maintenance tasks.
  • In the final month of internship, I led a presentation of Fluo codebase to eight junior developer interns, focusing on frontend components and state management.

The steep learning curve of SWE internship at Switcheo pushed me to learn the best practices and required technical knowledge in the first month. I adapted quickly in the new environment and gained confidence in myself. Check out a post about my experience at Switcheo here!

Tech Stack : React, TypeScript, Material UI

The Straits Times

Data Visualisation and Developer Intern, Dec 2022 - Jan 2023

I interned at The Straits Times during my year 2’s winter break, it was also my first internship. My main task was to migrate the Vue.js codebase to Svelte for the ST Digital Graphics Team. I had the opportunity to work with award-winning designers, developers and data journalists on visual storytelling projects.

  • My main responsibility was to assist the frontend developers to complete the Vue to Svelte code migration. At the end of my internship, I migrated the scrollY and parallax components, reducing page loading time by 63%.
  • A memorable project was my first breaking news project for a landslide in Malaysia. I translated over 20 video clips from Mandarin and Malay to English language in less than 24 hours, collating the different information sources for my team. All hands were on deck and we worked the whole night, I will never forget this thrilling experience.

First internship means many rookie mistakes. Although I do not see myself working in the media industry in near future, this experience undoubtedly broadened my perspectives (towards tech, work and relationships) and shaped my work ethic. Read this post about my intership experience at The Straits Times.

Tech Stack : Vue.js, Svelte

Apart from my professional career, I have held several leadership positions in my college and non-profit/student organisations too.

Residential College 4

Residential Assistant, June 2023 - Dec 2023; June 2024 - Now

I am the residential assistant for Level 14 of House of Leo at Residential College 4. Residential Assistants (RAs) are student leaders appointed by the College to look after the welfare of college residents. RAs are also positive role models, active community-builders and peer mentors for the other students in their residence.

  • I serve as the level head for 120 residents and work closely with the house committee to promote a socially and culturally enriching residential experience in the community.
  • In my last appointment as RA, I hosted level events - Paint on Canvas and Ice Cream Night which received ~70% of attendance.
  • Together with the Residential Fellow and RAs, I have also handled challenging situations e.g. resolving conflicts between residents, inappropriate resident behaviours and emergencies.

Even though RA’s duties are known as “saikang” (Singaporean slang word, means tedious tasks that no one is willing to do), I still find it a rewarding role. Not only that I got the opportunity to develop my soft skills, I also made lifelong friendships with my residents, enjoying every interactions I have with them.

GoodHub SEA

Product Manager (SEO Project), March 2024 - June 2024

I joined the GoodHub SEA, a non-profit organization … when I was studying abroad at UNC. I am the product manager for the Survival Skills Vietnam (SSVN) project, focusing on improving the SEO of the website and page loading speed.

  • Together with Joanne and Charles (the founders of GoodHub SEA), I managed a team of five for this technial project.
  • My main responsibility was to identify the project goals, set the timeline and deliverables and lead sprint meetings with the team.
  • I also worked with the SEO specialist to research and provide SEO solutions (Google Keywords Search, Google Analytics, WordPress plugins) to the SSVN team.

In this project, I received guidance from the founders who are product managers in their own careers. It was a short yet meaningful volunteering experience to train my project management and leadership skills.