Fluo App on Demex

fluo project preview


I worked on the frontend development of Fluo App on Demex trading platform during my 6 months software engineering internship at Switcheo Labs. My internship project was to develop Fluo, a Web3 app that aims to incentivize traders through staking and rewarding FLUO tokens.

Key Techniques : Software Engineering, Frontend Development

Links :

  • Fluo Documentation: link
  • Internship Final Report : link

Main Challenges

  • To write type-safe React code with Typescript, use hooks and Redux for state management was a huge takeaway from this SWE internship.
  • To understand Web3 concepts in the DeFi space in the first month of my internships, including transactions and handling events emitted from smart contracts.
  • Working in an Agile team that consists of senior engineers, product manager, designers and business stakeholders. Constantly seeking their feedback and communicate my ideas to my mentor were key learning points for me.

fluo dashboard

My Contributions

  • I developed Fluo Dashboard and all the related transaction forms, performance charts and dialog boxes on Fluo app. I also integrated the smart contract backend operations using Ether.js library and JSON-RPC.
  • Conducted testing cycles and squashed development bugs, following Fluo launch in early November 2023.
  • I worked on creating reusable components on Demex trading platform e.g. dynamic loading bars.

Tech Stack

TypeScript, React, Material UI, Ether.js

Outcome & Impact

Below is the beta launch statistics of Fluo : fluo beta launch statistics

My Winning Team 🏆

It was a great pleasure working with the experienced team leaders and senior engineers of Fluo project - Andrew Soon and Randy Ang, together with a fellow SWE intern - Cheng Yang. Also, thank you to Wei Ni, the product manager of Fluo; CJ, the finance consultant and Steven Khong, CTO of Switcheo for their guidance and collaboration in the project. Fluo is my baby and it made my internship experience at Switcheo Labs truly memorable and rewarding. fluo team